FreeBSD Status Report Fourth Quarter 2022
The New Year has started and here is the last status report of 2022, including 34 reports. You will also notice that for the first time a new category has been introduced: the Cloud category. As FreeBSD keeps up to date with the latest technologies in IT, projects dealing with the cloud make steady improvements, and thus it has been judged that they deserve their own category in the status reports.
The new category is not the only change about status reports. Indeed, the status team is revisiting its own workflow to become more efficient. If you are a report submitter, please ensure to read carefully the report authored by the status team as well as the next Call for Reports emails to keep up with the most recent changes.
Have a nice read.
Lorenzo Salvadore, on behalf of the status team.
FreeBSD Team Reports
Entries from the various official and semi-official teams, as found in the Administration Page.
FreeBSD Core Team
Contact: FreeBSD Core Team <>
The FreeBSD Core Team is the governing body of FreeBSD.
Core Team Charter
A delegation of the current core team is working together with some members of the previous Core Team to draft a core team charter. There was a face-to-face meeting in the US on December 3 - 4 to discuss the new charter. The delegation will present to the rest of the core team and discuss the details in the first quarter of 2023. The same delegation also had a meeting with the FreeBSD Foundation board on December 5th to discuss the collaboration details.
Experimental Matrix IM solution
The core team is working on evaluating Matrix as an instant messaging tool for the project. This will make the project’s communication channels less dependant on third parties. The service will be made available to the FreeBSD community to test and evaluate its validity at a later date.
Committer’s Guide
Deprecate BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD and use BSD-2-Clause. For more information please refer to the commit.
Commit bits
Core approved the src commit bit for Zhenlei Huang (zlei@)
Core approved the src commit bit for Corvin Köhne (corvink@)
Core approved the src commit bit for Sumit Saxon (ssaxena@)
Core approved the restore of the source commit bit for Paweł Jakub Dawidek (pjd@).
FreeBSD Foundation
FreeBSD Foundation
Roadmap URL:
Donate URL:
Foundation Partnership Program URL:
Journal URL:
News and Events URL:
Contact: Deb Goodkin <>
The FreeBSD Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the FreeBSD Project and community worldwide. Donations from individuals and corporations are used to fund and manage software development projects, conferences, and developer summits. We also provide travel grants to FreeBSD contributors, purchase and support hardware to improve and maintain FreeBSD infrastructure, and provide resources to improve security, quality assurance, and release engineering efforts. We publish marketing material to promote, educate, and advocate for the FreeBSD Project, facilitate collaboration between commercial vendors and FreeBSD developers, and finally, represent the FreeBSD Project in executing contracts, license agreements, and other legal arrangements that require a recognized legal entity.
Fundraising Efforts
Thank you to everyone who made a financial contribution in 2022! We’re still tallying up the totals and will have final numbers soon. Unfortunately, we did not meet our fundraising goal, which reinforced our need of having someone who can focus on encouraging organizations to invest in FreeBSD. We will bring someone on board soon to help with that effort.
In this Quarterly Status report you’ll read about many of the areas we funded in Q4 to improve FreeBSD and advocate for the Project (the two main areas we spend money on). Check out reports on the internally and externally funded projects like Openstack on FreeBSD, Enabling Snapshots on Filesystems Using Journaled Soft Updates, FreeBSD as a Tier 1 cloud-init Platform, and FreeBSD/riscv64 Improvements. In addition, we provided tons of community engagement and education opportunities virtually and in-person!
If you want to help us continue our efforts, please consider making a donation towards our 2023 fundraising campaign!
We also have a Partnership Program for larger commercial donors. You can read about it at
OS Improvements
During the last quarter of 2022, 218 src, 45 ports, and 12 doc tree commits identified the Foundation as a sponsor. Work was committed under Foundation sponsorship to repositories outside of FreeBSD as well, e.g., to the cloud-init project. Some of this sponsored work is described in separate report entries:
FreeBSD as a Tier 1 cloud-init Platform
OpenStack on FreeBSD project update
Wireless Report
Enabling Snapshots on Filesystems Using Journaled Soft Updates
Other Foundation work in the src tree included:
a variety of additions and fixes from Konstantin Belousov including commits to the virtual memory system (e.g., ec201dd, cd08669, and d537d1f), and file systems (e.g., 37aea26, 83aff0f, 860399e, and 4d903a1)
work from Andrew Turner on arm64 such as an implementation of per-superpage locks and the addition of support for an array of hwresets
more RISC-V improvements from Mitchell Horne, including improvements to parsing of ISA property strings, optimizations to memory allocation, and various documentation additions and improvements
follow-up commits to Mark Johnston’s work to add ZFS Support to makefs(8) (e.g., work to easily provide ZFS-based VM and cloud images and automation for better defaults from Li-Wen Hsu)
a variety of work from Ed Maste, including an ssh update and a switch to LLVM objdump.
Continuous Integration and Quality Assurance
The Foundation provides a full-time staff member and funds projects to improve continuous integration, automated testing, and overall quality assurance efforts for the FreeBSD project. You can read about the latest activity for that work in a separate report entry.
FreeBSD Advocacy and Education
Much of our effort is dedicated to Project advocacy. This may involve highlighting interesting FreeBSD work, producing literature and video tutorials, attending events, or giving presentations. The goal of the literature we produce is to teach people FreeBSD basics and help make their path to adoption or contribution easier. Other than attending and presenting at events, we encourage and help community members run their own FreeBSD events, give presentations, or staff FreeBSD tables.
The FreeBSD Foundation sponsors many conferences, events, and summits around the globe. These events can be BSD-related, open source, or technology events geared towards underrepresented groups. We support the FreeBSD-focused events to help provide a venue for sharing knowledge, working together on projects, and facilitating collaboration between developers and commercial users. This all helps provide a healthy ecosystem. We support the non-FreeBSD events to promote and raise awareness of FreeBSD, to increase the use of FreeBSD in different applications, and to recruit more contributors to the Project. We are continuing to attend events both in person and virtual as well as planning the November Vendor Summit. In addition to attending and planning virtual events, we are continually working on new training initiatives and updating our selection of how-to guides to facilitate getting more folks to try out FreeBSD.
Check out some of the advocacy and education work we did last quarter:
Sponsored the OpenZFS Developer Summit, October 24-25, 2022 in San Francisco, CA
Sponsored All Things Open, October 30-November 2, 2022 in Raleigh, NC
Sponsored and helped organize the November 2022 FreeBSD Vendor Summit. Videos from the Summit are available.
Held a new FreeBSD Friday: An Introduction to FreeBSD Services by Drew Gurkowski
New Blog Posts
Meet the 2022 FreeBSD Google Summer of Code Students: Koichi Imai
Meet the 2022 FreeBSD Google Summer of Code Students: Bojan Novković
Keeping FreeBSD Secure: Learn the Whys and Hows with the FreeBSD Sec Team
Foundation Sponsors Update to WireGuard Kernel Port for FreeBSD
2022 in Review: Continuous Integration and Quality Assurance Update
FreeBSD in the news:
For a quick review of all the Foundation efforts in 2022, check out our 2022 Thank You Video.
We help educate the world about FreeBSD by publishing the professionally produced FreeBSD Journal. As we mentioned previously, the FreeBSD Journal is now a free publication. Find out more and access the latest issues at
You can find out more about events we attended and upcoming events at
Legal/FreeBSD IP
The Foundation owns the FreeBSD trademarks, and it is our responsibility to protect them. We also provide legal support for the core team to investigate questions that arise.
Go to to find more about how we support FreeBSD and how we can help you!
FreeBSD Release Engineering Team
12.4-RELEASE schedule URL:
12.4-RELEASE announcement URL:
13.2-RELEASE schedule URL:
14.0-RELEASE schedule URL:
development snapshots URL:
Contact: FreeBSD Release Engineering Team <>
The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is responsible for setting and publishing release schedules for official project releases of FreeBSD, announcing code freezes and maintaining the respective branches, among other things.
During the fourth quarter of 2022, the Release Engineering Team completed work on the 12.4-RELEASE cycle. This is the final release from the stable/12 branch. During the release cycle, only one BETA build and two RC (release candidate) builds were needed; overall the release cycle went very smoothly and the release took place on December 5th.
During the fourth quarter of 2022, the Release Engineering Team continued providing weekly development snapshot builds for the main, stable/13, and stable/12 branches.
In the first quarter of 2023, the Release Engineering Team will start work on the upcoming 13.2-RELEASE.
Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate")
The FreeBSD Foundation
Cluster Administration Team
Administration Team members URL:
Contact: Cluster Administration Team <>
FreeBSD Cluster Administration Team members are responsible for managing the machines the Project relies on to synchronise its distributed work and communications.
In this quarter, the team has worked on the following:
Regular cluster-wide software upgrades
Two full upgrades to fix and prevent some impacting issues (FreeBSD-EN-22:25.tcp and FreeBSD-EN-22:28.heimdal). -
Regular support for user accounts
Regular disk and parts support (and replacement) for all physical hosts and mirrors.
Site audit at our primary site
Inventory of spares and other miscellanea occupying space in our cabinets.
Inventory of PDUs/power outlet usage and identifying faulty PSUs.
Identify and fix major DNS issue impacting the project
The primary DNS servers hosted on suffered outages for a few days, and new DNS servers were deployed worldwide. We thank our sponsor Metapeer for providing anycast infrastructure. -
Deploy a new mirror in Frankfurt, Germany
A replacement for our mirror in Amsterdam (site decommissioned). Former and new mirror hosted and sponsored by Equinix. -
Reuse parts of three broken CI machines
No replacements for these at this moment, awaiting a cluster refresh soon. -
Work with the PowerPC team to improve the PowerPC cluster machines
Parts like mainboard, NVMe and Power 9 CPU bought through the FreeBSD Foundation.
Former package builder fixed, and re-deployed as powerpc and powerpc64 package builder.
Former devref machine reinstalled as a new powerpc64le package builder.
The cluster has now only these two PowerPC machines in operation.
Several rounds to free up disk space usage in the cluster machines
Setup of an experimental search engine for the mailing lists:
Fix a bug in the mailing lists archiver, which resulted in some broken links
All mailing lists archives have been regenerated.
Work in progress:
Large-scale network upgrade at our primary site
New Juniper switches arrived at our primary site to replace the former ones. We thank Juniper for the donation. -
Replace old servers in our primary site and a few mirrors
Besides the broken CI servers, we have a few old servers with broken disks and faulty PSUs. This task is in conjunction with the FreeBSD Foundation and donors/sponsors. -
Create a new database for the mailing list search engine to allow searching for mail in the archives from mailman’s time
FreeBSD Official Mirrors Overview:
Current locations are Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan (two full mirror sites), Malaysia, South Africa, Taiwan, United Kingdom (full mirror site), United States of America (California, New Jersey [the primary site], and Washington).
The hardware and network connection have been generously provided by:
The Frankfurt single server mirror is now the primary Europe mirror in bandwidth and usage.
We are still looking for an additional full mirror site (five servers) in Europe to replace old servers in the United Kingdom full mirror site.
We see a good pattern in having single mirrors in Internet Exchange Points worldwide (Australia, Brazil, and South Africa); if you know or work for some of them that could sponsor a single mirror server, please get in touch. United States (West Coast) and Europe (anywhere) are preferable places.
See generic mirrored layout for full mirror site specs and tiny-mirror for a single mirror site.
Continuous Integration
FreeBSD Jenkins Instance URL:
FreeBSD CI artifact
archive URL:
FreeBSD Jenkins wiki
Hosted CI wiki URL:
3rd Party
Software CI URL:
Tickets related to
freebsd-testing@ URL:
Repository URL:
Mailing List URL:
Contact: Jenkins Admin <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
Contact: freebsd-testing
Mailing List
Contact: IRC #freebsd-ci channel on EFNet
The FreeBSD CI team maintains the continuous integration system of the FreeBSD project. The CI system checks the committed changes can be successfully built, then performs various tests and analysis over the newly built results. The artifacts from those builds are archived in the artifact server for further testing and debugging needs. The CI team members examine the failing builds and unstable tests and work with the experts in that area to fix the code or adjust test infrastructure.
During the fourth quarter of 2022, we continued working with the contributors and developers in the project to fulfill their testing needs and also keep collaborating with external projects and companies to improve their products and FreeBSD.
Important completed tasks:
FreeBSD-main-amd64-gcc9_build now sends failing reports to the committers whose commits may be related.
FreeBSD-main-amd64-gcc12_build has been added.
FreeBSD-main-powerpc64-images now also builds bootable APM disk image for Apple G5 baremetal and QEMU -M mac99 (by alfredo@)
Work in progress tasks:
Designing and implementing pre-commit CI building and testing (to support the workflow working group)
Designing and implementing use of CI cluster to build release artifacts as release engineering does
Simplifying CI/test environment setting up for contributors and developers
Setting up the CI stage environment and putting the experimental jobs on it
Organizing the scripts in freebsd-ci repository to prepare for merging to src repository
Improving the hardware test lab and adding more hardware for testing
Open or queued tasks:
Collecting and sorting CI tasks and ideas
Setting up public network access for the VM guest running tests
Implementing use of bare-metal hardware to run test suites
Adding drm ports building tests against -CURRENT
Planning to run ztest tests
Adding more external toolchain related jobs
Helping more software get FreeBSD support in its CI pipeline (Wiki pages: 3rdPartySoftwareCI, HostedCI)
Working with hosted CI providers to have better FreeBSD support
Please see freebsd-testing@ related tickets for more WIP information, and don’t hesitate to join the effort!
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Ports Collection
About FreeBSD Ports
Contributing to Ports URL:
FreeBSD Ports Monitoring
Ports Management
Team URL:
Tarball URL:
Contact: René Ladan <>
Contact: FreeBSD Ports Management Team <>
The Ports Management Team is responsible for overseeing the overall direction of the Ports Tree, building packages (through its subsidiary pkgmgr), and personnel matters. Below is what happened in the last quarter.
Currently we have just over 31,000 ports in the Ports Tree. There are currently close to 2900 open ports PRs of which almost 800 are unassigned. The last quarter saw 8194 commits by 159 committers on the main branch and 657 commits by 53 committers on the 2022Q4 branch. Compared to the quarter before, this means a small increase in the number of available ports but also in the number of open PRs and a decreasing number of commits made.
On the personnel front, we welcomed Ronald Klop (ronald@) and said goodbye to bar@ and bhughes@. We welcomed pizzamig@ as a new official member after a successful lurking period. We also welcomed three new lurkers: bofh@, ler@, and ygy@.
Portmgr split itself up into portmgr and pkgmgr. The new pkgmgr team, currently consisting of antoine@ and bdrewery@, is responsible for building packages and maintaining the package building cluster.
Four new USES were introduced:
llvm to canonicalize ports dependencies on LLVM
luajit to select a LuaJIT runtime
octave to help ports depend on Octave and Octave-Forge
tex to define dependencies on TeX and its various components.
The following default versions were bumped:
Firebird to 3.0
GCC to 12
Lazarus to 2.2.4
Lua to 5.4
PHP to 8.1
Samba to 4.13
Varnish to 6
LuaJIT is new and set at "luajit-openresty" for PowerPC64 and "luajit-devel" for all other architectures.
Three new features were introduced, PIE, RELRO, and BIND_NOW. Each port can opt out of them by setting the <feature>_UNSAFE variable. Users can activate or deactivate them globally by setting WITH_<feature> or WITHOUT_<feature>.
The following major ports were updated to new versions:
Chromium 108.0.5359.124
Electron 18.3.11, 19.0.15, and 21.2.0
Firefox 108.0.1
Firefox-ESR 102.6.0
gcc 12
KDE Plasma 5.24.7, Frameworks 5.101.0, Applications 22.12.0
Qt 5.15.7 and 6.4.1
Rust 1.66.0
SDL 2.26.1
Sway 1.8
wlroots 0.16.1
Wine 7.0.1.
The exp-run reports are available again. During the last quarter, antoine@ ran 38 exp-runs to:
test port updates
change default versions
identify use of IPPROTO_DIVERT in ports
support PF_DIVERT in Python for FreeBSD 14.
Status reports: New workflow
FreeBSD status
reports URL:
reports GitHub repository URL:
Contact: <>
Goals of the new workflow
This quarter the status team has been discussing with doceng@ some improvements to its workflow. In particular, the team is attempting to merge its GitHub repository into the FreeBSD doc/ repository.
Here are the reasons for such a change:
having two independent repositories requires spending some time to make sure that both are in sync, which is being done manually. See for example commits such as, which are not immediately clear in their commit messages about what is being done unless more time is invested to copy commit messages properly;
the FreeBSD doc/ repository is self-hosted, while the status repository is hosted on GitHub. Since the contents of the self-hosted repository are mirrored, nothing is being lost in visibility with the repository merging.
Some inconsistencies about the name of the team have also been found: the team has been referred to as "quarterly", "quarterly status team", "status", "status team", "monthly" etc. So this issue is also being addressed.
Please note that we are still working on these changes and that they might not be completed within the next quarter. The status team will take care to keep all information about report submissions up to date so that you always know how to submit your reports.
Team naming
Since "quarterly" might refer to quarterly reports but also to quarterly branches, using "quarterly" only could cause some confusion in some contexts. "quarterly-status" is likely a bad idea as well, as the frequency of reports publication might need to change in the future. Thus just "status" has been chosen: this is correct as quarterly status reports contain information about the status of the development of FreeBSD, it is frequency-agnostic and consistent with its FreeBSD website section.
The following email addresses have been created:
the main contact address for the status team is now <>. Mails sent to
will still reach the team, but you are encouraged to use the new address; -
the email address for the status report submissions is now <>. Mails sent to
will still reach the team, but you are encouraged to use the new address; -
mailing list has been renamed to status-calls. If you were already subscribed toquarterly-calls
, you do not need to resubscribe.
Report submission
Three different ways to submit reports will be provided:
submitting a review on Phabricator. A new Phabricator group called "status" has been created. If you would like to give a hand to the team by reviewing reports we suggest you add yourself to the group 'watchers';
submitting a pull request at;
sending an email to
Reviewing processes will proceed as they usually do on each of these channels.
Other changes
The repository merging will require reworking some of the existing tools to better integrate with the existent structure of the FreeBSD doc/ repository.
The status reports GitHub repository will be archived once the new workflow implementation is completed.
Projects that span multiple categories, from the kernel and userspace to the Ports Collection or external projects.
Console screen reader infrastructure
console speaker
daemon URL:
kernel support for
console screen reader URL:
system accessibility wishlist URL:
Contact: Hans Petter Selasky <>
Contact: FreeBSD accessibility discussions <>
This project aims at providing a very basic screen reader usable in console mode (without a GUI) for FreeBSD. This is an important first step for system administrators using speech to access computers, who previously would have needed a second computer running a terminal emulator to install or configure a FreeBSD server or character-based desktop computer.
The third and fourth quarters of 2022 saw basic design and some feature testing which looks promising, and a detailed call for testing with installation procedure posted.
This project needs help with the following:
Code reviewing
Usability testing
Integrating with the FreeBSD installer.
Sponsor: NVIDIA Networking (for the kernel development part)
Vessel - Integrated Application Containers for FreeBSD
Vessel URL:
Contact: Shane Steidley <>
What is Vessel?
The goal of vessel is to expose the many powerful features of FreeBSD to application developers. Vessel accomplishes this goal by:
Providing a "Docker-like" interface familiar to most application developers for building, running, publishing and pulling container images.
Tightly integrating with FreeBSD system level interfaces (kqueue process tracing, signal handling, devd.seqpacket, rctl, cpuset) to manage running jails.
How is Vessel different from other jail management systems?
There are some awesome jail management systems already. These
existing systems do a great job of configuring the jail runtime
environment (ZFS dataset, networking, resource control, etc). After
the environment is configured though, it is just handed off to the
program via an exec call.
In addition to jail configuration and creation, Vessel aims to take the next step and implement an event loop to manage jails based on system events. An instance of vessel runs alongside each jail to assist with management. This allows "Fat Jails" and single process jails to run in the foreground and be managed by the vessel-supervisor.
Why make Vessel?
Vessel has been a side project for a few years. I initially started it because it was a fun hobby project and I was surprised something similar did not already exist. It has now become a viable tool that I use for all of my projects. I believe it will be useful to others as well.
Is help needed?
Help is always appreciated. It’s a fun project to work on because it can touch on so many portions of FreeBSD.
Just using it and reporting any bugs on GitHub would be very useful.
Whatever sounds fun. I’m happy to help get people started.
Enable the NFS server to run in a vnet prison
patch for main URL:
Simple Setup Doc URL:
Contact: Rick Macklem <>
Several users of FreeBSD identified a need to run the NFS server inside a vnet prison. This turned into a small project, where I now have a patch that does this. It is currently available at the above link for testing or on Phabricator as D37519. Without this patch, the NFS server cannot be run in a prison.
Not included in the above patch is the ability to run the rpc.tlsservd(8) and nfsuserd(8) daemons within the vnet prison. I do now have patches that allow these daemons to run in the vnet prison along with mountd(8) and nfsd(8), but I would like to get the above patch into main before adding support for rpc.tlsservd(8) or nfsuserd(8).
At this time, the code needs reviewing and testing. Hopefully
this can be completed in the next few weeks, so that the patch can
be committed to main
and possibly also MFC’d to
To do
Testing the above patch.
Reviewing the above patch.
Doing the same for the rpc.tlsservd(8) and nfsuserd(8) patches.
Pytest support for the FreeBSD testing framework
Initial review
Test examples URL:
Contact: Alexander Chernikov <>
Native pytest support for atf(7) enhances the capabilities of the FreeBSD test suite.
Pytest simplifies test writing by reducing the amount of boiler-plate code. It offers several advantages over the existing atf-c and atf-shell bindings. One of the most important ones is the test parametrization, which allows improving coverage with writing nearly no code. The other is a rich assert system, offering detailed errors description. Python atf(7) support comes with a number of libraries that abstract a number of commonly-used tasks. For example, running a test within a VNET jail with epair(4) requires adding a single line of code. Such helpers are especially handy in the networking area, where tests with complex VNET setups are not uncommon.
Current status
Python support has been committed to HEAD. Currently, ~80 tests use the Python framework and the number is rising. Example tests have been committed to show the handling of the typical cases.
Next steps
Work on increasing the adoption of the framework
Rewrite some of the older Python/shell tests in the netinet[6] to pytest (help is appreciated)
Changes affecting the base system and programs in it.
Base System OpenSSH Update
OpenSSH 9.1
release notes URL:
Contact: Ed Maste <>
OpenSSH, a suite of remote login and file transfer tools, was updated from version 9.0p1 to 9.1p1 in the FreeBSD base system.
It has been merged to the stable branches, is available in FreeBSD 12.4, and will be in the upcoming FreeBSD 13.2.
A number of bug fixes and minor improvements have been submitted upstream to OpenSSH, and this process will continue with subsequent updates.
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Updates to kernel subsystems/features, driver support, filesystems, and more.
Enabling Snapshots on Filesystems Using Journaled Soft Updates
Contact: Kirk McKusick <>
The goal of this project is to make UFS/FFS filesystem snapshots available when running with journaled soft updates.
First a bit of background. Soft updates have been available for UFS/FFS since the mid 1990s. They eliminate the need for most synchronous disk writes and keep the state of the filesystem sufficiently consistent that it can be put back online after a crash without the need to run fsck(8). However, it may incorrectly assume that some of its blocks are still in use when in fact they are free. So, eventually it is necessary to take the filesystem offline to run fsck(8) to reclaim these lost blocks. The time to run fsck(8) is a function of the number of files in the filesystem and the size of the filesystem. Large filesystems may take hours to complete an fsck(8).
Enabling journaling reduces the time spent by fsck(8) cleaning up a filesystem after a crash to a few seconds. With journaling, the time to recover after a crash is a function of the amount of activity in the filesystem in the minute before the crash. Journaled recovery time is usually only a few seconds and never exceeds a minute.
The drawback to using journaling is that the writes to its log add an extra write load to the media containing the filesystem. Thus a write-intensive workload will have reduced throughput on a filesystem running with journaling.
Like all journaling filesystems, the journal recovery will only fix issues known to the journal. Specifically if a media error occurs, the journal will not know about it and hence will not fix it. Thus when using journaling, it is still necessary to run a full fsck every few months or after a filesystem panic to check for and fix any errors brought on by media failure.
A full fsck(8) is normally done on an offline filesystem. However, it can be done by running fsck(8) on a snapshot of a live filesystem. When running fsck(8) in the background on a live filesystem, the filesystem performance will be about half of normal during the time that the background fsck(8) is running. Running a full fsck on a UFS filesystem is the equivalent of running a scrub on a ZFS filesystem.
The first milestone of this project has been completed. It is now possible to take snapshots when running with journaled soft updates and they can be used for doing background dumps on a live filesystem.
The second milestone of this project is to extend fsck(8) to be able to do a background check using a snapshot on a filesystem running with journaled soft updates. This milestone is expected by Q3 of 2023.
Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation
Wireless updates
Wireless Work In Progress landing page URL:
Contact: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>
During the quarter not much work was publicly visible and admittedly slightly slow. Behind the scenes wireless work was happening on two fronts:
11n, 11ac, and wpa,
more drivers and firmware, problems, testing, and filling gaps for these.
While the main development for newer standards and the Intel iwlwifi driver is sponsored by the FreeBSD Foundation, I find myself spending a lot of private time with Realtek rtw88 and rtw89, Atheros, and Mediatek mt76 (7921 and 7915) drivers now as well. Testing changes on bare metal and using bhyve VMs using passthru has become more time-consuming, with the amount of supported chipsets increasing, in order not to break other drivers. Even different (generations of) chipsets supported by the same driver, at times, behave differently with the same change.
A separate discussion was brought to me about the size of firmware added to the tree for the already existing drivers and the firmware for more drivers coming. The chicken-egg problem to solve is having firmware available on the release media; without firmware, a lot of modern laptops will not have any sort of outside communications available at the time of install in their default configuration. This will be a larger discussion to have to also solve firmware for other drivers, but that discussion will be for another day and place.
Slightly belatedly I have started to push LinuxKPI and 802.11 changes into the tree at the end of the year and that work will continue into early 2023 at which point more of the aforementioned remaining drivers will also hit the tree.
One of the main remaining problems to solve is the firmware crashes on interface down/up cycles currently experienced with at least two drivers.
Thankfully during the last weeks, after my call for help, multiple people have stood up wanting to help with various drivers (especially Realtek and Mediatek). I hope that after me catching up and pushing things out this can accelerate progress again.
Thanks again to everyone doing testing, providing debug output, sending in feedback, or using the drivers at this point.
For the latest state of the development, please use the freebsd-wireless mailing list, and check the landing page, which has links to all wiki pages for each driver status.
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Netlink on FreeBSD
Initial review
Netlink talk
Contact: Alexander Chernikov <>
Netlink is a communication protocol defined in RFC 3549. It is an async, TLV-based protocol, providing 1-1 and 1-many communications between kernel and userland. Netlink is currently used in the Linux kernel to modify, read and subscribe for nearly all networking states. Interface state, addresses, routes, firewall, rules, fibs, etc, are controlled via Netlink.
Why is Netlink important for FreeBSD?
POSIX defines an API for base functions/system calls. There is no such standard for the plethora of protocol/device-level/subsystem-level ioctls. Each subsystem/driver invents its own protocol, handling format and compatibility. Extendability is a notable problem in the networking control plane. For example, it is extremely hard to add properties to the routing socket messages without breaking compatibility.
Netlink offers unification by providing a standard communication layer and basic easily-extendable message formatting. It can serve as a "broker", automatically combining requested data from different sources in a single request (example: interface state dump). Netlink APIs lower the bar for application developers to support FreeBSD, while providing the desired extendability.
Current status
Netlink has been committed to HEAD. The code implements a subset
subsystem and
supports add/delete/replace
operations for routes, nexthops and link-level addresses. Partial
support exists for the interface addresses and interfaces.
Linuxulator support for Netlink has been committed to HEAD. It is possible to use the unmodified ip from iproute2 with routes, nexthops, addresses and interfaces.
The simple userland library, snl(3), that provides convenient abstractions on the netlink socket, has been committed to HEAD.
The first third-party software, BIRD, added experimental FreeBSD Netlink support.
Next steps
Add Netlink to GENERIC
use Netlink interfaces (help is appreciated) -
Add FreeBSD Netlink support to ports of FreeRangeRouting (FRRouting (FRR)).
Adding basic CTF support to ddb
Differential 1
Differential 2
Contact: Bojan Novković <>
The goal of this project was to extend the ddb kernel debugger to use the kernel’s Compact C Type Format (CTF) data and use the newly added features to implement a pretty-printing command in ddb.
Due to a restrictive execution environment (no IO or memory allocation), ddb can not use existing kernel linker methods to retrieve the kernel’s CTF data. Instead, the first patch adds the ability to load the kernel’s CTF data during boot and adds a new kernel linker method used for accessing CTF data from ddb. The second patch adds a basic interface for using CTF data in ddb and a pretty-printing command built using the newly added interfaces.
Any feedback, comments, and reviews are welcome and would be greatly appreciated.
Updating platform-specific features and bringing in support for the new hardware platform.
CheriBSD 22.12 release
Announcements list URL:
Contact: Brooks Davis <>
Contact: Edward Tomasz Napierala <>
Contact: George Neville-Neil <>
Contact: Jessica Clarke <>
Contact: John Baldwin <>
Contact: Robert Watson <>
Contact: Ruslan Bukin <>
CheriBSD extends FreeBSD to implement memory protection and software compartmentalization features supported by the CHERI instruction-set extensions. There are two active architectural implementations of the CHERI protection model: CHERI-RISC-V and Arm’s Morello. A sketch of CHERI-x86 is also under development. CheriBSD is a research operating system with a stable baseline implementation into which various new research features have been, or are currently being, merged.
We have published the 22.12 release of CheriBSD including:
A general update of the baseline FreeBSD OS to August 2022.
Memory-safe adaptation of Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) and Panfrost device driver, which enable a Morello-based desktop system using on-board GPU and HDMI. These drivers may be used with hybrid or pure-capability kernels.
An initial set of graphics and desktop CheriABI software packages such as Wayland and portions of KDE to get you up and running with a memory-safe desktop environment. These components remain under active development, and we anticipate continuing package updates after the CheriBSD release.
An early research prototype of library-based compartmentalization, which implements an alternative run-time linker running shared objects in libraries. This implementation is very much a work-in-progress, and is provided to enable research at other collaborator institutions needing easy access to the prototype. It is neither complete nor intended to be secure.
Improved pluggability of experimental heap temporal memory-safety support, which is not yet merged into the main development branch, but will now be easier to use by downloading an alternative kernel and heap allocator libraries provided by Microsoft.
An updated version of GDB with support for Morello instructions and inspecting memory tags.
Alpha support for ZFS file systems including support for boot environments.
FreeBSD/riscv64 Improvements
Wiki Homepage URL:
Contact: Mitchell Horne <>
The FreeBSD/RISC-V project is providing support for running FreeBSD on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture.
This quarter I resumed work on improvements to FreeBSD’s RISC-V architecture support (riscv64). Work was focused primarily on small bug-fixes and improvements, and tooling. A handful of known panics and bug reports were fixed and closed.
On the performance tooling side, some issues with the use of
DTrace on riscv64 were found and addressed. Specifically,
backtraces produced by the stack()
function were not
being captured correctly. First, a change was made to the compiler
flags to ensure that kernel modules always make use of the frame
pointer, so that unwinding the kernel stack works as expected.
Second, some tweaks were made to machine-dependent DTrace code in
the profile
and fbt
providers, making the
correct number of frames appear in each backtrace. Now, DTrace can
be used to accurately capture profiling data on this platform,
enabling the generation of flamegraphs.
I also began porting the hwpmc(4)
driver to run on
this platform. Unlike other ISAs, RISC-V does not standardize the
set of counter events that a CPU must support, nor are the
programmable event selection registers accessible to the kernel. To
work around this, there is an
SBI "Performance Monitoring Unit" extension which provides an
abstracted interface for managing such functionality. The new
class is written to use this interface.
Current generation RISC-V hardware supports incrementing
performance counters, but lacks the counter overflow interrupts
required to enable sampling PMCs.
Work is expected to continue next quarter. Aside from the in-progress items mentioned, focus will be given to the following areas:
Support for newer OS-level extensions such as Page-Based Memory Types (Svpbmt)
Profiling system performance.
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
go on FreeBSD riscv64
golang Home Page URL:
riscv64 github repo URL:
FreeBSD riscv64
golang issue URL:
Contact: Mikaël Urankar <>
Contact: Dmitri Goutnik <>
The proposal to add support for FreeBSD riscv64 has been accepted and the patches merged. golang on FreeBSD riscv64 will be available in golang v1.20 (to be released in February 2023).
FreeBSD/ARM64 on Xen
Xen Project URL:
FreeBSD wiki page on Xen
Contact: Elliott Mitchell <>
Xen is an open source hypervisor. Xen is one of the earliest hypervisors and has support for many OSes. Since FreeBSD 8.0, GENERIC FreeBSD/x86 has been able to run on Xen. Near the time FreeBSD was ported to run on Xen, work was started on running Xen on ARM. For a number of years Linux has run fine on Xen/ARM, but FreeBSD hasn’t been available.
Having FreeBSD/ARM64 on Xen means any system capable of having Xen can also have FreeBSD in operation. Of note, the Raspberry PI 4B has hardware (GICv3) which Xen works with. If you’re okay with Linux handling the hardware, you can use all the hardware of a Raspberry PI 4B.
In 2014 a proof of concept of running FreeBSD/ARM64 on Xen was done by Julien Grall, but this was never polished for release. During the past 2 years I’ve been working towards having this in FreeBSD’s tree, so released versions of FreeBSD/ARM64 would run on Xen. At this point all changes which need to be shared with the x86 Xen source code have been reviewed (not all reviews are on Phabricator). This now awaits testing by Roger Pau Monné before being committed to FreeBSD’s tree.
I now urgently need someone with a high level of familiarity with the interrupt subsystem of FreeBSD on ARM64 to review (and commit) the ARM-specific portions. My builds are functional far more often than they fail, and most failures are temporary problems in FreeBSD’s tree. Some significant issues will need to be addressed regarding FreeBSD’s interrupt subsystem.
There is substantial hope of having FreeBSD/ARM64 available for "DomU" (unprivileged) operation for FreeBSD 14.0. There is potential for FreeBSD/ARM and FreeBSD/RISC-V to run on Xen in short order. No plans currently exist for having FreeBSD/ARM64 operating as the controlling VM (someone could try to sponsor this).
Thanks to Julien Grall <> for the Proof of
Thanks to Roger Pau Monné <> for
reviewing changes involving x86.
Thanks to Mitchell Horne <> for helping
with various FreeBSD/ARM64 issues and addressing a key problem with
Updating cloud-specific features and bringing in support for new cloud platforms.
FreeBSD on Microsoft HyperV and Azure
Microsoft Azure
article on FreeBSD wiki URL:
Microsoft HyperV article
on FreeBSD wiki URL:
Contact: Microsoft FreeBSD Integration Services Team
Contact: freebsd-cloud
Mailing List
Contact: The FreeBSD Azure Release Engineering Team <>
Contact: Wei Hu <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
In this quarter, the 12.4-RELEASE image has been published to Azure Marketplace.
Work in progress tasks:
Automating the image building and publishing process and merge to src/release/.
Building and publishing ZFS-based images to Azure Marketplace
All the required codes are merged to main branch, and can create ZFS-based images by specifying
. -
Need to make the build process more automatic and collaborating with release engineering to start generating snapshots.
Building and publishing Hyper-V gen2 VM images to Azure Marketplace
Blocked by
The above tasks are sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation, with resources provided by Microsoft.
Wei Hu and his colleagues in Microsoft are working on several tasks sponsored by Microsoft:
Fixing booting issue on Hyper-V gen2 VM in Azure
Porting Hyper-V guest support to aarch64
Open tasks:
Update FreeBSD related doc at
Support FreeBSD in Azure Pipelines
Update Azure agent port to the latest version
Upstream local modifications of Azure agent
Sponsor: Microsoft for work by Wei Hu and others in Microsoft,
and for resources for the rest
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation for everything else
FreeBSD as a Tier 1 cloud-init Platform
cloud-init Website URL:
Documentation URL:
cloud-init ongoing refactorization URL:
Contact: Mina Galić <>
cloud-init is the standard way of provisioning servers in the cloud. Unfortunately, cloud-init support for operating systems other than Linux is rather poor, and the lack of cloud-init support on FreeBSD is a hindrance to cloud providers who want to offer FreeBSD as a Tier 1 platform. To remedy the situation, this project aims to bring FreeBSD cloud-init support on par with Linux support. The broader plan is to lift support across all BSDs.
The first milestone has been delivered. Along with many bug
fixes, we now have merged an
ifconfig(8) parser, which allows us to retrieve all the
information of all network devices, similarly to how on Linux this
is done by parsing the contents of
. In the coming weeks, this
project will align itself with the Azure developers to do some
crucial refactoring. This will move our new parser further into
cloud-init’s main execution paths.
People interested in helping with the project can help with testing new features and fixes through net/cloud-init-devel, which will be updated whenever we make significant commits. Further, people with access to, and experience with, OpenBSD and NetBSD are also highly welcome to help.
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
OpenStack on FreeBSD
OpenStack URL:
OpenStack on
Contact: Chih-Hsin Chang <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
OpenStack is an open-source cloud operating system for different resource types like virtual and bare-metal machines. Users can spawn FreeBSD instances on the open cloud platform, but it is not currently possible to run the OpenStack control plane on FreeBSD hosts. This project aims to port key OpenStack components so that FreeBSD can function as an OpenStack host.
In 2022 Q4, we have almost completed the porting work regarding the crucial OpenStack components. Most of the components/services composing an essential OpenStack cluster are now able to run on FreeBSD hosts, including:
Keystone (identity service)
keystone server
Glance (image service)
Placement (resource tracking and inventory service)
Neutron (networking service)
Nova (compute service)
The step-by-step documents for constructing a POC can be found
in the
In its design, most of the OpenStack components provide an
abstraction layer for the underlying implementations. For nova, we
choose the combination of the libvirt
driver with the
virtualization type enabled. For neutron, it is
the openvswitch
mechanism driver. We solved several
runtime dependencies and porting issues against the Libvirt, bhyve,
and Open vSwitch combinations with minimal effort. We still have
lots of work to undertake to make the changes back to OpenStack
TODOs include:
Develop a proper alternative execution path in the
module for FreeBSD environments -
Develop a new virtualization type,
, for nova-compute’slibvirt
driver -
Develop the IP library for FreeBSD under
In the first few weeks of 2023, we will focus on breaking through the last mile of the instance spawn path and wrapping up the documentation regarding POC site construction. We will also try rebasing the porting work to the master branch of OpenStack (now Xena).
People interested in helping with the project can first help check the documentation by following the installation guide.
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Noteworthy changes in the documentation tree, manual pages, or new external books/documents.
Documentation Engineering Team
FreeBSD Documentation
Project URL:
Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors URL:
Engineering Team URL:
Contact: FreeBSD Doceng Team <>
The doceng@ team is a body to handle some of the meta-project issues associated with the FreeBSD Documentation Project; for more information, see FreeBSD Doceng Team Charter.
During the last quarter:
crees@ and zeising@ doc bits were taken in for safekeeping.
Items pending and in the discussion:
A new document about licensing has been added to the documentation set.
Porter’s Handbook:
Two new USES
knobs have been added to the
Erlang facilities have been documented
The new CABAL_REVISION knob has been documented.
FreeBSD Translations on Weblate
Link: Translate
FreeBSD on Weblate
Link: FreeBSD Weblate
Q4 2022 Status
12 languages
150 registered users
Chinese (Simplified) (zh-cn) (progress: 8%)
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-tw) (progress: 4%)
Dutch (nl) (progress: 1%)
French (fr) (progress: 1%)
German (de) (progress: 1%)
Indonesian (id) (progress: 1%)
Italian (it) (progress: 4%)
Norwegian (nb-no) (progress: 1%)
Persian (fa-ir) (progress: 3%)
Portuguese (pt-br) (progress: 16%)
Spanish (es) (progress: 19%)
Turkish (tr) (progress: 2%)
We want to thank everyone who contributed by translating or reviewing documents.
And please, help promote this effort on your local user group; we always need more volunteers.
FreeBSD Website Revamp - WebApps working group
Contact: Sergio Carlavilla <>
Working group in charge of creating the new FreeBSD Documentation Portal and redesigning the FreeBSD main website and its components. FreeBSD developers can follow and join the working group on the FreeBSD Slack channel #wg-www21. The work will be divided into four phases:
Redesign of the Documentation Portal
Create a new design, responsive and with global search. (Complete)
Redesign of the Manual Pages on web
Scripts to generate the HTML pages using mandoc. (Complete) Public instance on
Redesign of the Ports page on web
Ports scripts to create an applications portal. (Work in progress)
Redesign of the FreeBSD main website
New design, responsive and dark theme. (Work in progress)
FreeBSD Presentations and Papers
Contact: Allan Jude <>
Contact: Greg White <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
Contact: Philip Paeps <>
In this quarter, the presentations and papers from those events have been added:
BSDCan 2022
EuroBSDCon 2022.
Open tasks:
Find and upload missing FreeBSD related presentations and papers
Issues listed at Open Issues.
Changes affecting the Ports Collection, whether sweeping changes that touch most of the tree, or individual ports themselves.
FreshPorts - help wanted
FreshPorts URL:
FreshPorts blog URL:
Contact: Dan Langille <>
FreshPorts and FreshSource have reported upon FreeBSD commits for 20 years. They cover all commits, not just ports.
FreshPorts tracks the commits and extracts data from the port Makefiles to create a database of information useful to both port maintainers and port users.
For example, shows the history of the port, back to its creation in May 2017.
Converting the backend repository
This topic deals with the FreshPorts code repository. The front end (website) was converted from Subversion to Git several years ago. The back end, which processes FreeBSD commits and updates the database, is still on Subversion. I have wanted to convert these repositories to Git for some time.
I would like help with this please. I’ll give you a copy of the repositories and you give me back several Git repos (one for each). They will be uploaded to (our project on GitHub).
These are the existing Subversion repos:
ingress (code for the back end)
database schema
backend - monitoring code
packaging - scripts for cutting new tarballs - deprecated via Git
daemontools - now misnamed, because the scripts use daemon(8)
periodics - scripts started by periodic(8)
ports - for the FreeBSD packages which install the above.
I won’t be running FreshPorts forever
It’s been over 22 years and I know others must take over eventually. I’d like to start that process now. There are several aspects to FreshPorts:
FreeBSD admin (updating the OS and packages)
front end code (website - mostly PHP)
back end code (commit processing - Perl, Python, shell)
database design (PostgreSQL).
The database does not change very often and requires little maintenance compared to the applications and OS. The website pretty much runs itself. From time to time, a change to the FreeBSD ports infrastructure breaks something or requires a modification, but there is rarely any urgency to fix that. This is not a huge time commitment. There is a lot of learning. While not a complex application, FreshPorts is also not trivial.
PortsDB: Program that imports the ports tree into an SQLite database
Contact: Yuri Victorovich <>
I developed the PortsDB project that imports FreeBSD ports into an SQLite database. The port is ports-mgmt/portsdb.
The database can be fully rebuilt in around 20 minutes, after which it can be quickly (in seconds) updated with new commits.
The database is currently updated hourly:
PortsDB can be used to query ports using SQL, as a relational database. External services like Repology, FreshPorts, Portscout, and other similar services can use PortsDB to access information in the ports tree.
Users can, for example, easily find their broken ports, or port duplicates, or all ports that they maintain that use gmake, among many other possible queries. Such queries aren’t easy to perform by grepping the ports tree.
Cross-DB queries are also easy to do. They can combine PortsDB, /var/db/pkg/repo-FreeBSD.sqlite, and /var/db/pkg/local.sqlite.
All that needs to be done to run PortsDB is ./, and then ./ after more commits are pulled into the ports repository.
The periodic script is provided that can simplify integration with cron. Multiple ready to use SQL queries are also included.
One particular immediate problem that PortsDB aims to solve is to fix incorrect FreeBSD port versions displayed by Repology. Repology uses ports INDEX which is missing some required information. This leads to Repology not being able to distinguish between real versions, and intermediate and made-up versions. PortsDB should allow Repology to solve this problem.
KDE on FreeBSD
KDE Community
Contact: Adriaan de Groot <>
The KDE on FreeBSD project packages CMake, Qt, and software from the KDE Community, for the FreeBSD ports tree. The software includes a full desktop environment called KDE Plasma (for both X11 and Wayland) and hundreds of applications that can be used on any FreeBSD machine.
The KDE team (kde@) is part of desktop@ and x11@, building the software stack to make FreeBSD beautiful and usable as a daily-driver graphics-based desktop machine. The notes below describe mostly ports for KDE, but also include items that are important for the entire desktop stack.
CMake ports now share a single version number. Various build-flags have been updated for FreeBSD ports builds: under some circumstances, release-flags were ignored and debug-flags applied, which is undesirable. CMake now also refuses to fetch remote sources during a ports build.
Qt versions are now Qt 5.15.7 (used by KDE) and Qt 6.4.1. Some applications in the ports tree are now "flavored" for Qt5 and Qt6.
KDE Stack
KDE Gear releases happen every quarter, KDE Plasma updates once a month, and KDE Frameworks have a new release every month as well. These (large) updates land shortly after their upstream release and are not listed separately.
KDE Frameworks 5 is now at version 5.101 (latest monthly release from December 2022). This is likely one of the last "Frameworks 5" releases, as the next major series comes closer.
KDE Gear is now version 22.12.0 (update for December 2022).
KDE Plasma is now version 5.24.7 (update for October 2022).
Note that KDE Plasma 5.25 has been released upstream, but is still waiting on fixes before it can land in the ports tree (for example, this KActivityManager bug in KDE’s bug-tracker).
Related Ports
graphics/krita is now version 5.1.3.
graphics/poppler was updated multiple times, now at version 22.11. It supports Qt5 and Qt6 through separate ports.
net-im/telegram-desktop was now supports Qt5 and Qt6 through flavors.
Xfce on FreeBSD
Xfce 4.18
Upstream Release Announcement URL:
Xfce meta-port on
FreshPorts URL:
Contact: Xfce team <>
Contact: Guido Falsi <>
The FreeBSD Xfce team (xfce@) works to ensure the Xfce desktop environment is maintained and fully functional on FreeBSD.
This quarter the Xfce team members are pleased to welcome Xfce 4.18 to the FreeBSD ports tree!
This new release includes many improvements in various parts of the environment, especially in the Thunar file manager.
Also various upstream packages now include patches that were present in the ports tree.
For further details, refer to the Xfce 4.18 Upstream Release Announcement.
Pantheon desktop on FreeBSD
elementary OS URL:
repository URL:
Contact: Olivier Duchateau <>
The Pantheon desktop environment is designed for elementary OS. It builds on GNOME technologies (such as Mutter, GTK 3 and 4) and it is written in Vala. The goal is to have a new desktop for users.
13.1-RELEASE or higher is required, because several core components depend on deskutils/xdg-desktop-portal.
The repository contains Mk/Uses framework
, official applications, and curated
ports which depend on x11-toolkits/granite.
Since the previous report, we have been updating its related ports, especially:
Power manager plugins for top panel (wingpanel) and control center (switchboard) are finished.
A new switchboard plugin is also available, net/switchboard-plug-sharing. Ported Rygel, GNOME UPnP/DLNA services.
Submitted other patches for low level libraries such as:
print/cups-pk-helper update to 0.2.7 required by print/switchboard-plus-printers
devel/libgee update to 0.20.6 heavily used by the desktop
sysutils/polkit update to 122 (D37137)
sysutils/accountsservice update to 22.08.8 (D37679).
Open tasks
Improve documentation.
Continue to work on user settings.
Budgie desktop on FreeBSD
Buddies of Budgie
news URL:
repository URL:
Contact: Olivier Duchateau <>
Budgie initially developed as the default desktop environment for the former Evolve OS. Since the 10.6.x releases, improvements have been made to be "agnostic".
It is built on top of GNOME technologies such as GTK >= 3, GLib, Mutter, libpeas.
The goal is to have a new desktop for end users. I have submitted 2 reviews (D37224 and D37286 for The FreeBSD Porter’s Handbook) so committers can import it.
These reviews include:
Mk/Uses framework
new virtual category (budgie)
6 applications
icon theme
During this quarter, I have also submitted several patches (related to this desktop) especially:
update to 3.44.2 bug #267928 -
update to 42.6 bug #267899 -
update to 40.1 bug #267898.
These bugs are also still open:
bug #267420 -
bug #265107.
Open task
Add support of LightDM in FreeBSD Handbook
GCC on FreeBSD
GCC Project URL:
GCC 11 release series
GCC 12 release series
Contact: Lorenzo Salvadore <>
Update GCC default version to 12
Thank you very much to antoine@ for running the necessary exp-runs and to all the contributors, maintainers and committers involved in the process.
As was noted last quarter, for every major version of GCC, FreeBSD usually awaits the release of the second minor version to update GCC default version. However next time I would like to attempt to update the default version as soon as the first minor version of GCC 13 is out. The rationale for awaiting the second minor release was to wait for other operating systems (in particular Linux distributions) to find, report, and fix bugs, so that FreeBSD could focus mainly on FreeBSD-specific cases. But this also meant that upstream software developers only heard from FreeBSD rarely, and mostly when it concerned FreeBSD only, thus our operating system risks being considered minor and unimportant for them.
My hope is that software authors can value supporting FreeBSD more as the number of its contributions to other projects also increases. Of course I understand that this will imply more work for all ports maintainers and I will do my best to help them as much as I can.
Resolution of a conflict preventing the installation of multiple GCC versions simultaneously
Now, lang/gcc11 and lang/gcc12 can be installed at the same time. This was particularly important for the update of the GCC default version, since a few ports have been kept to compile with GCC 11 for now.
Note however that at the moment only one -devel GCC port at the time can be installed on your system. This is because I have patched the standard ports only: for the -devel port I expect upstream to fix the issue soon, by using a patch submitted by a FreeBSD user or my own patch, or using some other solution.
D language
D is now enabled in lang/gcc11 and lang/gcc11-devel, thanks to diizzy. I plan to include D support for higher versions of GCC too, but this cannot be done as easily as for GCC 11 due to bootstrapping issues: starting from GCC 12, the D compiler GDC needs a working GDC to be built.
Crashes with -fsanitize=address
Software compiled with GCC using the
switch has been reported to crash.
I have fixed the issue for lang/gcc11, lang/gcc11-devel,
lang/gcc12, and lang/gcc12-devel. I am still working on
Use of the address sanitizer requires ASLR to be disabled. As GCC gets the code that I am modifying from LLVM, and LLVM is also included in the FreeBSD src repository with some patches that improve ASLR detection and automatically re-run programs with ASLR disabled when necessary, I am also merging those patches.
Another milestone for biology ports
Biolibc-tools URL:
Fast And Simple
Differential Analysis URL:
Contact: Jason Bacon <>
The biology category in ports continues to grow and mature, and reached another milestone in 2022q4 with the introduction of the rna-seq metaport.
The fields of genomics, and more generally, bioinformatics, are often referred to as the "wild west" of computational science. Analyses are typically mired by a lack of clear documentation, and difficulties deploying and using software. Many scientific software developers do not understand the potential of package managers to simplify their lives and the lives of their users. As a result, much scientific software is deployed using ad hoc "caveman" installations involving overly complicated and unreliable build systems that either bundle dependencies or attempt to work with random installations thereof.
Work has been ongoing to make FreeBSD ports a model of how easy scientific software deployment should be. It now contains a solid core of many of the most commonly used open source applications in biological research.
This quarter saw the completion of a tool chain for one of the most important types of analysis, known as RNA-Seq. RNA-Seq measures the abundance of RNA, and hence gene activity, in tissue samples. All of the tools needed to perform a typical RNA-Seq analysis can now be installed on FreeBSD using:
pkg install rna-seq
This includes many mature existing tools as well as new tools developed on FreeBSD, such as FASDA and biolibc-tools, easy-to-use replacements for some of the more troublesome tools traditionally used in an RNA-Seq pipeline.
Software deployments for RNA-Seq that traditionally have taken weeks or longer can now be performed on FreeBSD in a few minutes with a single command. Scientists can spend their time doing science rather than struggling with IT issues.
Third Party Projects
Many projects build upon FreeBSD or incorporate components of FreeBSD into their project. As these projects may be of interest to the broader FreeBSD community, we sometimes include brief updates submitted by these projects in our quarterly report. The FreeBSD project makes no representation as to the accuracy or veracity of any claims in these submissions.
Containers and FreeBSD: Pot, Potluck and Potman
Pot organization on GitHub
Contact: Luca Pizzamiglio (Pot) <>
Contact: Stephan Lichtenauer (Potluck) <>
Contact: Michael Gmelin (Potman) <>
Pot is a jail management tool that also supports orchestration through Nomad.
During the last quarter, pot 0.15.4 was released. It again contains a number of improvements like signing pot images as well as many bug fixes. Also, we welcome two new pot contributors: @zilti and @reezer.
Additionally, there is a new Ansible pot collection available.
Potluck aims to be to FreeBSD and pot what Dockerhub is to Linux and Docker: a repository of pot flavours and complete container images for usage with pot and in many cases Nomad.
As you can see, we had a busy quarter again, this time including improvements to the Nextcloud as well as Jitsi images.
Furthermore, we landed pot-based FreeBSD support for sccache-dist server (the server component for distributed compilation of rust and C++ using sccache) and it will be part of the upcoming sccache 0.4.0, see mozilla/sccache#1184. Once released, this will become available through devel/sccache.
This means one can build rust projects on FreeBSD targeting a cluster of machines, something that could potentially be integrated into poudriere as well.
Last but not least, Luca’s EuroBSDCon 2022 talk is now available on YouTube.
As always, feedback and patches are welcome.
Last modified on: January 23, 2023 by Lorenzo Salvadore