Ports Collection
About FreeBSD Ports
Contributing to Ports URL:
FreeBSD Ports Monitoring
URL: http://portsmon.freebsd.org/
Ports Management
Team URL: https://www.freebsd.org/portmgr/
Tarball URL: http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/ports/
Contact: René Ladan <portmgr-secretary@FreeBSD.org>
Contact: FreeBSD Ports Management Team <portmgr@FreeBSD.org>
The Ports Management Team is responsible for overseeing the overall direction of the Ports Tree, building packages, and personnel matters. Below is what happened in the last quarter.
According to FreshPorts, we currently enjoy a little over 44,200 ports in the Ports Collection. These are accompanied by 2,532 PRs of which 526 are unassigned. During the last quarter, there were 10,428 commits on main by 164 committers and 618 commits on 2021Q2 by 59 committers. Compared to 2021Q1, the number of ports and PRs remained roughly the same and the main tree saw 10% more commits this quarter.
During the last quarter, we welcomed Charlie Li (vishwin@) and Guangyuan Yang (ygy@) and said goodbye to jlaffaye@, jpaetzel@, kmoore@, lifanov@, miwi@ and shurd@.
On the infrastructure side, a new USES, ansible, was added so that Ansible-related ports can more easily define plugins and modules. Several default versions were updated:
Default version of PYTHON and PYTHON3 switched to 3.8
Default version of librsvg2 on PowerPC switched to rust
Regarding the license framework, the badly maintained LEGAL was removed in favor of per-port LICENSEs and the BSD0CLAUSE license was added. In the options framework, pre-defined shared version control OPTIONS and descriptions were added.
Some notable port updates:
Firefox 89.0.2
Firefox-esr 78.11.0
Chromium 91.0.4472.114
Ruby 3.0.1
Xorg server 1.20.11
Finally, antoine@ ran 18 exp-runs to test updates for cmake, expat2, KDE, meson, poppler, rust, Xorg and the lapack family, to switch the default version of Python to 3.8, and to remove the outdated qtchooser.
Last modified on: July 24, 2021 by Daniel Ebdrup Jensen