FreeBSD The Power to Serve

A bhyve management GUI written in Freepascal/Lazarus

Contact: José Alonso Cárdenas Márquez <>

Bhyvemgr is a bhyve management GUI written in Freepascal/Lazarus on FreeBSD. It needs a bunch of tools mostly installed by the base system and some installed from ports/packages. The main goal is to be a desktop application focus on desktop user to easily and quickly setup and run virtual machines on FreeBSD hosts.

It should be used for virtual machines testing purpose (not for production). For a tool for production virtual machines management, take a look at sysutils/vm-bhyve, sysutils/bmd, or sysutils/cbsd.

Bhyvemgr supports aarch64 on 15-CURRENT only, and amd64 from FreeBSD 13.x to 15-CURRENT. It can be compiled from sysutils/bhyvemgr as a port, or installed as packages with gtk2, qt5, or qt6 interface support.

People interested in helping the project are welcome.

Version at the end of 2024Q3: 1.1.0


  • Test on real aarch64 hardware

  • Add uart device support

  • Add missing global setting entries (bios, board, chassis, system)

Last modified on: October 11, 2024 by Alonso Cárdenas Márquez