A low-cost conditional execution mechanism
FreeBSD wiki URL: https://wiki.freebsd.org/SummerOfCode2024Projects/ZeroCostConditionalExecutionMechanism
Contact: Marko Vlaić <mvlaic@freebsd.org> Contact: Bojan Novković (mentor) <bnovkov@freebsd.org>
This project aims to implement a low-cost conditional execution
mechanism, similar to the static_key
interface in
Linux. The current working name is zcond
, as in
zero-cost conditional. The idea is to reduce the overhead of rarely
used features in performance sensitive kernel code paths.
Specifically, code blocks of the following, simple structure, are
if(some_global_flag == true) {
A block like this can cause performance overhead in a frequently executed piece of code.
The motivating use case for the mechanism is tracing (as outlined here in the wiki), but the project will identify more areas where this mechanism could be applied.
The backbone of the mechanism is runtime instruction hot patching, making it highly architecture dependent. Great care has to be given to security, because kernel instructions are overwritten at runtime. More details and some implementation ideas can be found in the project proposal on the project wiki page. More documents describing the implementation and design decisions will be produced, as the project moves along.
The goal of the project is to produce a working implementation of the mechanism for the x86-64 architecture. It will then be applied to an existing piece of kernel code and benchmarked. If the benchmark results come out positive, it will be ported to other architectures.
This project is a part of the Google Summer of Code 2024.. The project is still in its early stages, but any feedback would be highly appreciated.
Help wanted
General feedback on the mechanism, API and implementation
More use cases besides tracing are welcome
Code review
Name suggestions
Sponsor: Google LLC (GSoC 2024)
Last modified on: July 7, 2024 by Maxim Konovalov