Continuous Integration
FreeBSD Jenkins Instance URL:
FreeBSD CI Tinderbox
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FreeBSD CI artifact
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3rd Party
Software CI URL:
Tickets related to freebsd-testing@ URL:
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Contact: Jenkins Admin <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
Contact: freebsd-testing
Mailing List
Contact: IRC #freebsd-ci channel on EFNet
In the second quarter of 2024, we worked with the project contributors and developers to address their testing requirements. Concurrently, we collaborated with external projects and companies to enhance their products by testing more on FreeBSD.
Important completed tasks:
Added new hardware purchased by the FreeBSD Foundation in Chicago site to the CI cluster
Repurposed decommissioned pkg builder as build agent and added to the CI cluster
Adjusted the job dispatching mechanism based on the machine capability
bofh@ merged as Add preliminary in-tree CI infrastructure for developers so they can replicate an environment or results similar to
Decommission armv6 jobs for the main branch
Work in progress tasks:
Merging Pre-commit CI with CIRRUS-CI
Designing and implementing pre-commit CI building and testing and pull/merge-request based system (to support the workflow working group)
Proof of concept system is in progress.
Designing and implementing use of CI cluster to build release artifacts as release engineering does, starting with snapshot builds
Simplifying CI/test environment setting up for contributors and developers
Setting up the CI stage environment and putting the experimental jobs on it
Redesigning the hardware test lab and adding more hardware for testing
Open or queued tasks:
Collecting and sorting CI tasks and ideas
Setting up public network access for the VM guest running tests
Implementing use of bare-metal hardware to run test suites
Adding drm ports building tests against -CURRENT
Planning to run ztest tests
Helping more software get FreeBSD support in its CI pipeline (Wiki pages: 3rdPartySoftwareCI, HostedCI)
Working with hosted CI providers to have better FreeBSD support
Please see freebsd-testing@ related tickets for more WIP information, and do not hesitate to join the effort!
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Last modified on: August 19, 2024 by Lorenzo Salvadore