FreeBSD The Power to Serve

Cluster Administration Team

Contact: Cluster Administration Team <>

FreeBSD Cluster Administration Team members are responsible for managing the machines the Project relies on to synchronize its distributed work and communications.

In this quarter, the team has worked on the following:

  • Regular support for user accounts.

  • Regular disk and parts support (and replacement) for all physical hosts and mirrors.

  • Set up a new mirror in Chicago.

FreeBSD Official Mirrors Overview

Current locations are Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan (two full mirror sites), Malaysia, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom (full mirror site), United States of America — California, Chicago, New Jersey (primary site), and Washington.

The hardware and network connection have been generously provided by:

New official mirrors are always welcome. We have noted the benefits of hosting single mirrors at Internet Exchange Points globally, as evidenced by our existing mirrors in Australia, Brazil, and South Africa. If you are affiliated with or know of any organizations willing to sponsor a single mirror server, please contact us. We are particularly interested in locations on the United States West Coast and throughout Europe.

See generic mirrored layout for full mirror site specs and tiny-mirror for a single mirror site.

Last modified on: May 2, 2024 by Danilo G. Baio