LLDB Kernel Module Improvement
GSoC Wiki Project URL: https://wiki.freebsd.org/SummerOfCode2023Projects/LLDBKernelModuleImprovement
Project Codebase URL: https://github.com/aokblast/freebsd-src/tree/lldb_dynamicloader_freebsd_kernel
PullRequest URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/67106
Contact: Sheng-Yi Hong <aokblast@FreeBSD.org>
The LLDB Kernel Module Improvement Project described in the previous quarter report implements DynamicLoader Plugin for FreeBSD Kernel on LLDB.
All of the work is done — that is, this plugin can correctly load all kernel modules and their debug files extracted from kernel coredump.
This plugin has been tested on both x86-64 for relocatable type kernel module and arm64(EC2) for shared library type kernel module. Both of these platforms show this plugin works well.
Currently, this plugin prepares to be landed to LLVM codebase in LLVM PullRequest
Sponsor: The Google Summer of Code '23 program
Last modified on: October 5, 2023 by Graham Perrin