FreeBSD The Power to Serve

FreeBSD on Microsoft HyperV and Azure

Contact: Microsoft FreeBSD Integration Services Team <>
Contact: freebsd-cloud Mailing List
Contact: The FreeBSD Azure Release Engineering Team <>
Contact: Wei Hu <>
Contact: Souradeep Chakrabarti <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>

In this quarter, we have worked mainly on ARM64 architecture support and building and publishing images to Azure community gallery. There are some testing images available in the project’s testing public gallery, named FreeBSDCGTest-d8a43fa5-745a-4910-9f71-0c9da2ac22bf:

  • FreeBSD-CURRENT-testing

  • FreeBSD-CURRENT-gen2-testing

  • FreeBSD-CURRENT-arm64-testing

To use them, when creating a virtual machine:

  1. In Select an Image step, choose Community Images (PREVIEW) in Other items

  2. Search FreeBSD

Work in progress tasks:

  • Automating the image building and publishing process and merge to src/release/.

  • Building and publishing ZFS-based images to Azure Marketplace

    • All the required codes are merged to main branch, and can create ZFS-based images by specifying VMFS=zfs.

    • Need to make the build process more automatic and collaborating with release engineering to start generating snapshots.

  • Building and publishing Hyper-V gen2 VM images to Azure Marketplace

  • Building and publishing snapshot builds to Azure community gallery

The above tasks are sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation, with resources provided by Microsoft.

Wei Hu and Souradeep Chakrabarti in Microsoft are working on several tasks sponsored by Microsoft:

Open tasks:

Sponsor: Microsoft for people in Microsoft, and for resources for the rest
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation for everything else

Last modified on: July 28, 2023 by Danilo G. Baio