FreeBSD Core Team
Contact: FreeBSD Core Team <>
The FreeBSD Core Team is the governing body of FreeBSD.
Core Team Charter
A delegation of the current core team is working together with some members of the previous Core Team to draft a core team charter. There was a face-to-face meeting in the US on December 3 - 4 to discuss the new charter. The delegation will present to the rest of the core team and discuss the details in the first quarter of 2023. The same delegation also had a meeting with the FreeBSD Foundation board on December 5th to discuss the collaboration details.
Experimental Matrix IM solution
The core team is working on evaluating Matrix as an instant messaging tool for the project. This will make the project’s communication channels less dependant on third parties. The service will be made available to the FreeBSD community to test and evaluate its validity at a later date.
Committer’s Guide
Deprecate BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD and use BSD-2-Clause. For more information please refer to the commit.
Commit bits
Core approved the src commit bit for Zhenlei Huang (zlei@)
Core approved the src commit bit for Corvin Köhne (corvink@)
Core approved the src commit bit for Sumit Saxon (ssaxena@)
Core approved the restore of the source commit bit for Paweł Jakub Dawidek (pjd@).
Last modified on: January 23, 2023 by Lorenzo Salvadore