Continuous Integration
FreeBSD Jenkins Instance URL:
FreeBSD CI artifact
archive URL:
FreeBSD Jenkins wiki
Hosted CI wiki URL:
3rd Party
Software CI URL:
Tickets related to
freebsd-testing@ URL:
Repository URL:
Mailing List URL:
Contact: Jenkins Admin <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
Contact: freebsd-testing
Mailing List
Contact: IRC #freebsd-ci channel on EFNet
The FreeBSD CI team maintains the continuous integration system of the FreeBSD project. The CI system checks the committed changes can be successfully built, then performs various tests and analysis over the newly built results. The artifacts from those builds are archived in the artifact server for further testing and debugging needs. The CI team members examine the failing builds and unstable tests and work with the experts in that area to fix the code or adjust test infrastructure.
During the fourth quarter of 2022, we continued working with the contributors and developers in the project to fulfill their testing needs and also keep collaborating with external projects and companies to improve their products and FreeBSD.
Important completed tasks:
FreeBSD-main-amd64-gcc9_build now sends failing reports to the committers whose commits may be related.
FreeBSD-main-amd64-gcc12_build has been added.
FreeBSD-main-powerpc64-images now also builds bootable APM disk image for Apple G5 baremetal and QEMU -M mac99 (by alfredo@)
Work in progress tasks:
Designing and implementing pre-commit CI building and testing (to support the workflow working group)
Designing and implementing use of CI cluster to build release artifacts as release engineering does
Simplifying CI/test environment setting up for contributors and developers
Setting up the CI stage environment and putting the experimental jobs on it
Organizing the scripts in freebsd-ci repository to prepare for merging to src repository
Improving the hardware test lab and adding more hardware for testing
Open or queued tasks:
Collecting and sorting CI tasks and ideas
Setting up public network access for the VM guest running tests
Implementing use of bare-metal hardware to run test suites
Adding drm ports building tests against -CURRENT
Planning to run ztest tests
Adding more external toolchain related jobs
Helping more software get FreeBSD support in its CI pipeline (Wiki pages: 3rdPartySoftwareCI, HostedCI)
Working with hosted CI providers to have better FreeBSD support
Please see freebsd-testing@ related tickets for more WIP information, and don’t hesitate to join the effort!
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Last modified on: January 23, 2023 by Lorenzo Salvadore