FreeBSD The Power to Serve

Budgie desktop on FreeBSD

Contact: Olivier Duchateau <>

Budgie initially developed as the default desktop environment for the former Evolve OS. Since the 10.6.x releases, improvements have been made to be "agnostic".

It is built on top of GNOME technologies such as GTK >= 3, GLib, Mutter, libpeas.

The goal is to have a new desktop for end users. I have submitted 2 reviews (D37224 and D37286 for The FreeBSD Porter’s Handbook) so committers can import it.

These reviews include:

  • Mk/Uses framework

  • new virtual category (budgie)

  • 6 applications

  • icon theme x11-themes/tela-icon-theme.

During this quarter, I have also submitted several patches (related to this desktop) especially:

These bugs are also still open:

Open task

  • Add support of LightDM in FreeBSD Handbook

Last modified on: January 23, 2023 by Lorenzo Salvadore