GCC: New maintainer, GCC 12.2 and more
GCC Project URL: https://gcc.gnu.org
GCC 11 release series
URL: https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/
GCC 12 release series
URL: https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-12/
Contact: <toolchain@FreeBSD.org>
Contact: Lorenzo Salvadore <salvadore@FreeBSD.org>
salvadore@ adopted all existing ports corresponding to supported versions of gcc, namely: lang/gcc10, lang/gcc11, lang/gcc11-devel, lang/gcc12, lang/gcc12-devel and lang/gcc13-devel. At the moment -devel ports are updated weekly, unless a build failure makes it impossible. Of course, in the latter case, the build failure is fixed and/or reported upstream as soon as possible.
GCC 12.2 has been released. Traditionally, FreeBSD waits for the release of the second minor version of GCC to use it as default GCC version, so that most of the software needing to be compiled with GCC has already been ported to the latest major version. Thus, work has started to update the default GCC version to version 12. Thank you very much to antoine@ who has already run the first exp-run and to all the contributors, maintainers and committers involved in the process. https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2659548
Discussion about LTO keeps going with many different points of view. If interested, you can read the latest contributions to the topic: lang/gcc11: Needs build time warning for /tmp consumption and lang/gcc11: build gets stuck. Reminder: LTO_BOOTSTRAP is an option enabled by default. If you build the port on your machine and its resources consumption is not acceptable, disabling this option will get you a lighter compilation.
jbeich@ submitted a patch to expose non-default -stdlib=libc++ support, which has been successfully committed to all relevant ports (gcc >= 11). link: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=265962
diizzy@ refreshed the mirrors list in the MASTER_SITE_GCC variables, also removing ftp mirrors. The main GCC site is used as fallback. link: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D36372
Help is still needed with these three changes to work through with upstream GCC (requires expertise with the GCC sources and upstream, not with the ports framework):
upstreaming lang/gcc11/patch-gets-no-more
upstreaming lang/gcc11/patch-arm-unwind-cxx-support
Last modified on: October 18, 2022 by Lorenzo Salvadore