FreeBSD The Power to Serve

As things are yet again settling into a new normal, it’s once again time for a status report for the FreeBSD Project.

You may have noticed that this report is also a little on the late side, and it’s with regret that it’s taken this long to get to it - however, thanks to a few kind souls who’ve stepped up to the plate, in addition to the folks on the team who do things quietly in the background, future reports should hopefully be more on time.

So let’s get some introductions in order, as yours truly is delighted to accept a hand from Pau Amma who already has been helping with reviews for a while, Lorenzo Salvadore who is stepping up to get some tooling in place to make it less of a chore to make the reports, as well as Sergio Carlavilla who is stepping up to help with all the work that can’t be easily automated.

This report covers a very diverse set of topics including but not limited to accessibility, system boot speed-up, an implementation of GEOM union, changes to the WiFi situation, and many other things.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading it!

Daniel Ebdrup Jensen, on behalf of the status report team.

Last modified on: June 3, 2022 by Lorenzo Salvadore