FreeBSD The Power to Serve

Documentation Engineering Team

Contact: FreeBSD Doceng Team <>

The doceng@ team is a body to handle some of the meta-project issues associated with the FreeBSD Documentation Project; for more information, see FreeBSD Doceng Team Charter.

No new documentation commit bit was granted during the last quarter, and only one commit bit was safe kept.

Several tasks were completed related to the doc tree during the last quarter:

  • Fix some issues in the translation workflow with PO files and Weblate related to the po4a program.

    More info here.

  • Update offline documentation (PDF and HTML).

    The old directory /doc is now on ftp-archive; it contains files prior to the Hugo/Asciidoctor migration.

  • Remove Google Analytics from documentation and website.

  • Add last modified information to the documentation and website pages.

  • Tag FreeBSD docset for 13.1-RELEASE.

  • Add the first Indonesian translation to the doc tree.

FreeBSD Translations on Weblate

The translation workflow with Weblate is more mature at this point. Several issues were fixed between PO files and po4a program.

We welcome everyone to try our Weblate instance to translate a few documents.

The first Indonesian translation was added to the FreeBSD project. We thank Azrael JD for the contribution, and we are looking forward to seeing more Indonesian translations.

Q1 2022 Status
  • 12 languages (1 new language)

  • 142 registered users

  • Chinese (Simplified) (zh-cn)

  • Chinese (Traditional) (zh-tw)

  • Dutch (nl)

  • French (fr)

  • German (de)

  • Indonesian (id) - Added

  • Italian (it)

  • Norwegian (nb-no)

  • Persian (fa-ir)

  • Portuguese (pt-br)

  • Spanish (es)

  • Turkish (tr)

We want to thank everyone that contributed, translating or reviewing documents.

And please, help promote this effort on your local user group, we always need more volunteers.

FreeBSD Website Revamp - WebApps working group

Contact: Sergio Carlavilla <>

Working group in charge of creating the new FreeBSD Documentation Portal and redesigning the FreeBSD main website and its components. FreeBSD developers can follow and join the working group on the FreeBSD Slack channel #wg-www21. The work will be divided into four phases:

  1. Redesign of the Documentation Portal

    Create a new design, responsive and with global search. (Complete)

  2. Redesign of the Manual Pages on web

    Scripts to generate the HTML pages using mandoc. (Work in progress)

  3. Redesign of the Ports page on web

    Ports scripts to create an applications portal. (Work in progress)

  4. Redesign of the FreeBSD main website

    New design, responsive and dark theme. (Not started)

Last modified on: June 3, 2022 by Lorenzo Salvadore