FreeBSD The Power to Serve

FreeBSD Website Revamp - WebApps working group

Contact: Sergio Carlavilla <>

Working group in charge of creating the new FreeBSD Documentation Portal; and redesigning the FreeBSD main Website and its components. FreeBSD developers can follow and join the working group on the FreeBSD Slack channel #wg-www21. The work will be divided into four phases:

  1. Redesign of the Documentation Portal

    Create a new design, responsive and with global search. (Work in progress)

  2. Redesign of the Manual Pages on Web

    Scripts to generate the HTML pages using mandoc. (Not started)

  3. Redesign of the Ports page on Web

    Ports scripts to create an applications portal. (Not started)

  4. Redesign of the FreeBSD main Website

    New design, responsive and dark theme. (Not started)

Last modified on: July 24, 2021 by Daniel Ebdrup Jensen