Cluster Administration Team
Contact: Cluster Administration Team <>
Administration Team members URL:
The FreeBSD Cluster Administration Team consists of the people responsible for administering the machines that the Project relies on for its distributed work and communications to be synchronised. In this quarter, the team has worked on the following:
Moved Phabricator ( to a faster machine
Moved CGI backend to a faster machine
Improved the network design of our primary cluster site
Removed public IPv4 connectivity from VLANs not hosting public-facing services
Tidied up the pkgbuild and pkgexp VLANs where the production and experimental package builders live.
Moved developer reference machines and universe building machines to a different VLAN to better accommodate aarch64 and ppc64 machines
Upgraded the machines running important internal services
DNS, Kerberos, LDAP, certbot, etc
FTP, Subversion, Git mirror seed
Upgraded the developer reference machines and universe builders to a newer FreeBSD 14-CURRENT
Upgraded package building machines to newer versions of FreeBSD 14-CURRENT
Assisted postmaster with migrating the mailing lists from Mailman to mlmmj
Recycled a particularly troublesome PowerPC64 package building machine with extreme prejudice (rest in pieces)
Installed a new production PowerPC64 package builder
Worked with Git migration working group for ports tree migration
Ongoing day to day cluster management activity
Putting out fires
Babysitting pkgsync
Work in progress:
Move pkg-master.nyi to new hardware
Improve to the package building infrastructure
Review the service jails and service administrators operation
Setup powerpc pkgbuilder/ref/universal machines
Search for more providers that can fit the requirements for a generic mirrored layout or a tiny mirror
Upgrading public-facing cluster services from 12.2-STABLE to 13.0-STABLE
Installing a new cluster site in Japan
Full mirror site (ftp, pkg, git, doc, dns,…)
The network and machine resources for this mirror are generously sponsored by the Cloud and SDN Laboratory at BroadBand Tower, Inc., one of the Internet data center service providers in Tokyo, Japan, with 300+ Gbps international IP transit bandwidth
Improvements to GeoDNS routing, particularly in Asia
Working with doceng@ to improve and
Improve the web service architecture
Improve the cluster backup plan
Last modified on: July 24, 2021 by Daniel Ebdrup Jensen