OpenStack on FreeBSD
OpenStack URL:
OpenStack on
Contact: Chih-Hsin Chang <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
In the fourth quarter, we successfully migrated the originally virtualized OpenStack platform to physical machines running FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE. The ported OpenStack components include Keystone, Glance, Placement, Neutron, and Nova. As part of this process, we took the opportunity to update the installation documentation and the list of dependencies.
Moving forward, we encourage users and developers interested in this project to effortlessly recreate the OpenStack platform in their FreeBSD environments following this documentation. Any issues or difficulties encountered are welcome to be reported on the GitHub project page. Your contributions will contribute to the refinement of our installation documentation and the overall porting efforts.
In the upcoming quarter, our focus will shift towards incorporating various patches and workarounds generated during the migration process into the project in a more structured code form. Additionally, we plan to develop FreeBSD ports for each OpenStack component, further streamlining the installation process.
Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation
Last modified on: December 31, 2023 by Chih-Hsin Chang