This page says about KDE ports.

How about install KDE files to ${PREFIX}/share/kde ?

Now KDE makes 10 sub-directorys under ${PREFIX}/share: For example, kdebase11 have 2355 files under above directorys.
Isn't it dirty?

I suggest that move them from 'share' to 'share/kde' with all of KDE ports.
I tested following ports. Some works well but others not.

Usually, libkdecore (from kdelibs) have a information where the data files are, so it should be easy.
(Try to compile this code.)

The following patches to the port also solve the 'make PREFIX=' problem.
port namepatchdoes it work?why no patch?/why not works?
x11/kdelibs11 kdelibs11.diff yes
x11/kdebase11 kdebase11.diff yes
mail/kbiff kbiff.diff yes
net/kdetelnet kdetelnet.diff no I don't know why.
It says "Something went wrong reading the global
resource file! Could not find any terminals. Stop!"
net/kicq kicq.diff yes
audio/kmikmod kmikmod.diff yes
audio/kmp3 kmp3.diff yes
audio/kmpg kmpg.diff sometimes no???
says "open: Permission denied"
mail/knewmail knewmail.diff yes
palm/kpilot kpilot.diff maybe yesI don't know how to use it.
deskutils/kproject kproject.diff maybe yessame as above
net/ksamba ksamba.diff no Because of ksamba's bad code.
Ksamba can't find his icons.
devel/ktranslator ktranslator.diff no It core dumps.
It's surely because of changing share->share/kde.
I did not check ktranslator-0.5 yet.
x11/kvidtune kvidtune.diff yes
irc/kvirc kvirc.diff yes
misc/kwatch kwatch.diff maybe yes I don't know how to handle it.
x11/kworldwatch kworldwatch.diff yes
graphics/killustlator --I can't find the source archive.
print/klyx --I can't build it.